Three Popular Ways to Enjoy Accessible Travel

Three Popular Ways to Enjoy Accessible Travel

With millions of people in need of accessible travel options, and with our Baby Boomers (almost 25% of our population) starting to reach retirement age as well, accessible travel is a concern for the tens of thousands of senior adults that are now seeking new experiences in all corners of the globe. As used here, “accessible travel” means travel that takes into consideration both the physical and cost hurdles that often face those with physical or mental impairment. A good travel agent for disabilities is an invaluable ally when making accessible travel choices, they can take all the guess work out of making the reservations and Baja Traveler the questions to ask to make your reservation seamless.

The ever growing population of golden year travelers that are wanting to travel we need to get information out to them so they will feel comfortable about traveling, even if they have seen or unseen challenges. They need to know that there is accessible travel and laws that afford them the ability to travel and see this gorgeous land we live in.

Flying: There are to many tips and things to cover for this article, but flying is definitely a popular way to travel for the challenged. Just some basic things to remember; arrive early and be clear with the airport personnel what your needs are; be sure you call the airport prior to flight day and have it setup that you will be traveling with special needs and to state clearly what they are, when reconfirming your flight, ask the airline for “maximum assistance” at all airport terminals, when booking your flights make sure they are non-stop both ways.

Air travelers who experience disability-related air travel service problems may call the hotline at 1-800-778-4838 (voice) or 1-800-455-9880 (TTY) to obtain assistance.

Cruises: This is an excellent way for special need people to travel, they now have handicap accessible staterooms, roll in showers, poolside lifts, and there are even dialysis care cruises, you just need to set it all up and find the right cruise for your particular situation, again a travel agent that specializes in disabilities is your way to go.


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