Everyone Should Have A Small Business!

Everyone Should Have A Small Business!

A small business is very important in today’s economy. Back in the 1960’s it took only one stream of income to survive. Today, if you are not working two are more jobs, your broke. The cost of living has sky rocketed and most of the world can not keep up.

This brings us to a common solution. Start you own personal service business A/K/A A Small Business.

Most people start a small business by default. Take Jakie for example. She is a mother of 3 kids who is a stay at home mom. She loves to bake cookies. One day she opened her window and there was a fair passing by her house. Someone looked in and asked her how much was for one of those cookies. Now Jakie did not have any intention to sell those cookies. She gave the kid it for free. The the kid went out and shared the cookie with someone else. The came back with five other kids who wanted to try the cookies. This gave Jakie an idea. I can Package these and sell them for $0.99 each. That lead her to start a cookie business from her home. Today she has a book, a infomercial and a website that makes her residual income.

Could you see yourself following in Jakies footsteps sometime in the future?

The time to start a personal service coorporation is syntaxbusiness.com. Take the time to figure out what you like to do. Create a short term action plan and then take action today. Do not wait for a second, because we all have the same amount of hours to live each day. It’s what we do with those hours that matter.

Most people decide to sell there information and get paid for it. Others write a book and get residuals from it. The choice is yours. The most important thing is that you get started today and make the best of your new business. After operating your busines for six months, you might want to consider expanding. Get someone you can train to do what you do and double your efforts. Duplication will help you set your business on auto-pilot. Good Luck.

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