A Quest for the Deterministic Chaos Exotic Machine Gun
The Unfinished //businessshed.ca/ quest is a lengthy and challenging quest in Destiny 2 that rewards players with the Deterministic Chaos exotic machine gun. This quest becomes available after completing the Lightfall campaign, and it takes players on a journey through Neomuna, the neon-hued Neptune city that comprises most of Lightfall’s campaign.
The quest begins with a cutscene in the Hall of Heroes, where players learn that the Vex have infiltrated the city and are stealing data. Players must then collect Cipher Qubits from Vex enemies in order to extract data from Cloud Accretions. Once enough data has been extracted, players will be able to locate the last data packet in an area called Maya’s Retreat.
After retrieving the data packet, players must meet with Osiris and Nimbus in Radiosonde. Osiris will then give players a Vex compass, which they must use to find a Lost Sector in Liming Harbor. In the Lost Sector, players must defeat a group of Vex and collect a Seed of Chaos.
Finally, players must return to Nimbus and complete the What Remains mission. This mission takes place in the Garden of Salvation raid area, and players must defeat a powerful Vex boss in order to complete the quest.
The Unfinished Business quest is a challenging but rewarding quest that rewards players with a powerful exotic machine gun. The Deterministic Chaos is a Void machine gun that fires Void rounds that deal more damage to targets that are already damaged. The gun also has a unique perk called “Chaos Engine,” which causes the gun to fire faster and deal more damage the longer it is fired.
If you are looking for a challenge and want to earn a powerful exotic machine gun, then the Unfinished Business quest is for you.
Here are some tips for completing the Unfinished Business quest:
- Use a Void subclass. This will give you a damage bonus against the Vex enemies that you will be fighting.
- Focus on collecting Cipher Qubits. You will need a lot of these in order to extract data from Cloud Accretions.
- Be patient. The Unfinished Business quest is a long and challenging quest, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t complete it right away.
I hope this article helps you complete the Unfinished Business quest and earn the Deterministic Chaos exotic machine gun. Good luck!