5 Terrific Reasons to Recycle a First Communion Dress

5 Terrific Reasons to Recycle a First Communion Dress

A First Communion dress is rich in religious symbolism and fashionsstyleclub steeped in tradition. This special gown shouldn’t just hang in a closet after the ceremony. The communion dress is part of a very special moment in a young girl’s life.

The gown should continue to have a meaningful purpose. Recycling a communion dress can give it a new life. The end result can take many forms. The only criteria for recycling a communion dress – it should continue to spread joy and happiness.

Why Should You Recycle A Communion Dress?

1. Pass It On

Pass on a communion dress to family or friends. Sharing such a special dress can be a special experience. It can create bonds and continue traditions or start new ones. On the practical side, sharing can cut costs for other families. Sometimes a few alterations can create a completely different look for the next wearer.

2. Preserve The Dress

In the short term, First Communion dresses can be used for other special occasions. They are suitable for religious ceremonies or even special dinners and holiday parties. Yet if you plan to preserve the dress for use in future years, you need to follow proper preservation procedures. To prevent damage over time, you have to consult a preservation specialist. Otherwise, you must purchase a preservation kit.

If you are passing on a dress shortly after the ceremony, you don’t need to take these preventive steps. Yet you must always follow proper cleaning procedures after use. Consider a professional cleaner for best results.

3. Be Charitable

Charity, like recycling, can take many forms. Drop the dress at a thrift shop for someone to purchase at a low price. Some charities even give dresses to those in need. Certain organizations sell formal wear and use the funds for a worthwhile project.

Some formal wear retailers recycle dresses and donate a percentage of the profits to charity. Organize your own charitable project and involve your daughter. Do a private sale but discuss with the child how you can use the money to benefit a charitable cause. Children can offer very creative suggestions.

Give The Fabric A New Life

The fabric of the First Communion dress can be used in many creative ways. Using the fabric is about renewed life, new purpose, and heartfelt expression. Creativity is the exact opposite of destruction. There are many reasons to feel happy about the creative recycling of a communion dress.

4. Make A Flower Girl Basket

A flower girl basket is incredibly beautiful on its own. Yet if you line the basket with a very special fabric, its beauty and meaning reach a whole new level. Use material from a communion dress for flower girl baskets at a family wedding. Maybe some fabric could even be kept for your daughter’s wedding day.

5. Carry Something Special

If you like sewing, you can easily turn fabric from a communion dress into an unique purse. The satin, pearls, and flowers from the dress work together to create a gorgeous purse. Add a practical and pretty drawstring and a white bow to make an amazing accessory.

Personalized embroidery always adds an extra special touch. Use the child’s name, the date of her First Communion, or even a religious symbol. If you are of Irish heritage, you may wish to embroider the Claddagh or shamrock. The one-of-a-kind purse can be used for future special occasions and even passed on to the next generation.

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